Ben Dallimore
Managing Director
BAS, BArch, ANZIA, Registered Architect
Initially inspired by a building that resembled a spaceship (Richard Rogers’ futuristic Lloyds of London tower), the young Ben went on to earn his Bachelor of Architecture at the University of Auckland. He’s had his head in the clouds (he’s 6ft) and his feet on the ground ever since.
International experience at Lawray Architects and Noble Associates in London, then as a senior architect at Vincent Chrisp Architects in Melbourne, underpins his process at RTA Studio which he joined in 2005 and became a director of in 2018.
Ben’s big-picture thinking and ability to understand the perspective of different stakeholders has made him a ‘centre-of-the-wheel’ person both on client projects and within the office. While dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s in a contractual capacity, his super-power remains the effortless management of priorities, agendas and personalities.
He is most proud of his involvement in the educational realm, guiding the RTA Studio team and their clients on the journey towards pedagogical spaces that operate better for students and staff. Work on the Scion Innovation Hub in Rotorua, which pushed the boundaries of carbon-zero timber buildings on a global scale, was another highlight.
When Ben’s not strumming out a Chilli Peppers riff on his guitar or learning Portuguese, it’s full immersion in his vocation. Whether he’s attending a Learning Environments of NZ meeting to ensure RTA Studio remain thought leaders in the educational field, commuting on the bus or on holiday at the beach, the spatial environment is always top of mind.
“It’s so satisfying seeing the impact a modern learning space can have – and the way the kids make it their own.”

Richard Naish
Executive Director/Founder

Ben Hayes
Managing Director

Ben Dallimore
Managing Director

Adam Dwen
Associate Director

David Wright
Associate Director

Moshin Mussa
Associate Director

Michael Dalton
Senior Associate

Mitchell Round
Senior Associate

Natalie Stebben
Senior Associate

Catherine Doo

Jun Park

Matthew Wyatt

Gary Doherty
Senior Technician/ BIM Manager

Roger Graham
Senior Technician

Bryan Cameron
Senior Technician

Illia Ovsiiko
Senior Architect

Jia Ying Hew
Registered Architect

Teresa Munro
Registered Architect

Paul Gao
Registered Architect

David Cook
Registered Architect

Mitchell Jones
Registered Architect

Young Jae Jeung
Registered Architect

Scott Manning
Project Lead

Casey Anderson
Project Lead

Thomas Keeler
Project Lead

Even Liang
Senior Architectural Graduate

James Ting
Senior Architectural Graduate

Mayank Thammalla
Senior Architectural Graduate

Nadia Rivai
Architectural Graduate

Maggie Halatian
Architectural Graduate

Tamzyn Bremer
Architectural Graduate

Eva Jenkin
Architectural Graduate

Ariana Faulkner
Architectural Graduate

Corban Richter
Architectural Graduate