Saint Kentigern College
3500 sqm
MacFarlan Centre
Commissioned for the school's 60th jubilee, the MacFarlan Centre brings together St Kentigern College's administration and student services in one central location, creating a new ‘front door’ for the College. With a subtle tartan theme on the screen which shades the facade, the building nods to tradition while incorporating modern materials and environmentally sustainable features.
The arrangement of the building and its extensive landscaping greatly improves efficient student and staff pedestrian flows through and around the campus, whilst separating the visitor and student entrances. The L-shaped plan creates an appealing amphitheatre on the sunny northern side for eating lunches and performing plays.
Environmentally sustainable features of the building include: extensive louvring of windows to reduce heat gain but allowing natural light; rainwater harvesting and re-use, and use of low embodied energy building materials from sustainable sources or with high recycled content.
2013 NZIA Auckland Architecture Award
2013 Best Awards Finalist
2013 Property Council of NZ Excellence Award