As members of the New Zealand Green Building Council, we were already well on our way to meeting their criteria when it comes to our design strategy, but it has meant some changes in the day to day too. Now, we collect data regarding our emissions-reduction targets and present it to staff at regular meetings. In essence, we’ve done more meetings and ‘site’ visits by Zoom – so less flying and fuel - we’ve geared up to swap our electricity account to Meridian as soon as our current agreement runs out so that our energy source is renewable, and there’s a plan in place to replace our vehicle fleet with electric models. RTA Studio are also one of the founding signatories of Aotearoa New Zealand Architects Declare Climate & Biodiversity Emergency. The time to act is now.

Photographer: Patrick Reynolds Scion Innovation Hub, designed in collaboration with Irving Smith Architects, incorporates highly sustainable construction and design principles to achieve a carbon zero outcome
Going green top on the agenda
March 2 2021 By Richard Naish
We’ve been working hard in the office to change our ways and we’re delighted to say that we’re on track as a business to achieve CarbonNZero certification under the Toitu programme by the end of March 2021.